– En français svp! –
Are you pleased with the warm weather Mother Nature brings us these days? Well I’m not and I have a confession to make: I like winter. Yep, that’s right! I am Canadian and my country has four beautiful seasons, none of which I could live without. So, yes, in January and February I expect snow and cold temperature. As a chocolate lover when those expectations are not met I get depressed. “What does chocolate have to do with winter?” I hear you ask. Well, everything! Because drinking hot chocolate in warm weather just doesn’t work…at all!
In recent weeks, while most people grumbled about the “cold” and “snow storms” (I would have liked here to put huge quotation marks because we all agree that here in Toronto, those don’t really exist) I was excited and enjoying the white landscapes surrounding me.
I admit that to enjoy wintertime, winter activities are essential. Luckily, since I don’t especially like team sports, snowshoeing and snowboarding are total happiness. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to practice those sports in Toronto but what’s not fun about road trips?
My advice is simple: To enjoy winter, dress in winter clothing! So keep the spring jacket and sneakers in your closet and put on your parka and boots, cover your bare face and hands with hat, scarf and mittens, and go enjoy winter, while it still exists…
In recent weeks, I had the chance to go to Quebec’s Winter Wonderland and do these:
1. Snowboarding at Le Massif de Charlevoix and admiring the beautiful landscapes of the region
2. Admiring the magical Holiday season settings in downtown Quebec City
3. Spending quality time and relaxing in a backcountry cottage in Val-des-Monts, near the Gatineau Park
Of course I’ve brought back some images! Today we’ll focus on Le Massif de Charlevoix. Come back next week to see photos of Quebec City and its Holiday spirit in the wintertime!
See how beautiful it is!
Massif de Charlevoix
Want more? Visit the photo gallery of winter pictures at Le Massif de Charlevoix ski resort