En français svp!

After the huge success of the Chocolate Stuffed Banana, here is another gourmet recipe for your next camping trip, the Orange Chocolate Cake!

The Orange Chocolate Cake ~ A Campfire Favorite

  1. Choose an orange to your liking.
  2. Slice the top of the orange and keep it aside.
  3. Using a spoon scoop out all of its content. 
  4. Make sure it is empty. Since we do not like waste, take this opportunity to prepare a sangria.
  5. Get your favorite cake mix and pour it into the orange.
    • Tip!: The cake-in-a-cup packages are very useful in camping since you only add milk. Use one per orange.
    • Second tip (lucky you!): If you really really like chocolate add some chocolate chunks into the mix, shush! don’t tell anyone. 
  6. Put the top back on the orange.
  7. Wrap the orange in foil.
  8. Put it in the fire, taking care to make a bump indicating where the top is and avoid a mess.
  9. Wait 15 minutes and voilà! Enjoy and thank me later!


Click on the image below for an easy print out you can save for yourself: