Hi everyone,
I wanted to share my Route 66 project with you and maybe get your support ;o)
Below are all the project details and you can support it here by visiting the Route 66 – A Photographic Journey page.
I’m not doing this fundraising to make money but to help me finance the book and prints that you will be able to order or receive as part of your contribution.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with any question you may have. Please also share the project with your friends/family and to your social media accounts.
Thanks a lot for your generosity and support!
The Project
Last November marked the 85th anniversary of Route 66: The Mother Road which I will be traveling in October 2012.
Once known as the Main Street of America the most famous road of the USA was bypassed by the new Interstate Highway System and was removed from the United States Highway System in 1985. With fewer visitors year after year, the road is being left to itself and to the good Samaritans who are taking good care of it.
More than 3,000 buildings in ruins are scattered along the road and during my first road trip on Route 66 I’m planning on documenting some of these motels, restaurants, villages, tourist attractions and people who have made its heyday and who are still making a living out of Route 66 and its visitors today.
The historic journey of 2,448 miles (3 940 km) will take me from Chicago to Los Angeles through 8 States (Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California). This means several nights in non-luxury Motels, plenty of gas, greasy but most probably delicious food, a rental car and flights from and to Toronto, Canada.
The result will be a photo book illustrating the Mother Road in order to preserve those memories before they are forever gone.
Who am I?
My name is Vincent and I am a passionate photographer mainly shooting travel, food, places and editorial photography. You may visit my portfolio website and my blog to find more about me and see more of my work.
During a recent visit to Las Vegas, I ventured on Route 66 in order to get away from the craziness and madness of Sin City. The mythical road immediately sparked my interest and my curiosity. I have not experienced the glory days of Route 66 and I find it unfortunate that one day it might be forever gone. Above you can see some photos I took during a short drive on Route 66.
What I Need & What You Get
The funds received will not cover the full cost of this trip, but will help in the production of prints and photo book illustrating the historic route.
I greatly appreciate everyone who decided to support me and of course your generosity will not go unrewarded. The right column shows the gifts given to the different levels of contribution. It is important to note that there is no small amount so feel free to pledge any amount you can afford.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you’re financially unable to contribute no worries; I still like you! ;o)
Other ways you can help is to get the word out either by talking to your friends or using the sharing tools right below the images above to give this project a shout-out on social media platforms.
Thank you very very much for your generosity and support!