It’s Friday! As much as I like making photographs I also love searching and sharing awesome photography. Every week I share some of the things that caught my attention and inspire me.
- William Miller’s “Ruined” Polaroids (via Flavorwire)Photographer William Miller doesn’t throw away Polaroids that didn’t process properly and it give interesting results.
- Famous Photogs Pose With Their Most Iconic Images(via Wired)I’ve seen Tim Mantoani photo project a few months ago when I watched Photoshelter’s video Focus On Your Passion: Finding Yourself in Your Photography and I thought it was brilliant. For this project Tim wanted to document and preserve noted photographers together with their most important images. I’m happy to know he made a book and it looks beautiful. Visit the Behind Photographs website to get it.
- The Colossal Camera that will capture Vanishing Cultures(via Film’s Not Dead)Dennis Manarchy sees big and he’s currently working on his project Vanishing Cultures. He will travel the United States with a 35-foot-long camera that exposes 6-foot-tall negatives (to be transported by a huge truck trailer) producing clear and crisp images. Here’s a video presenting the project: