It’s Friday!
As much as I like making photographs I also love searching and sharing awesome photography. Here are some of the things that caught my attention this week:
- These gorgeous photos were taken by Google Street View Cameras. Really. (via The Next Web)
It looks like Google Street View cameras can produce artistic images too. Aaron Hobson has spent some time looking at street-level images captured by Google Street View around the world and he decided to share his findings on his site in this curated gallery.©Google Street View
- Natural History, Not-So-Natural Setting (via The New Yorks Times)
Photographer Klaus Pichler takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Vienna’s Museum of Natural History.
- Incredibly Creative Paper Dresses (via My Modern Met)
Photographer Matthew Brodie and his team got really creative in a fashion feature for March 2011 issue of Madame Magazine
- ‘Brinicle’ ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic (via the BBC)
I’m always impressed by the images the cameras of the BBC capture on film. Using time-lapse photography the film crew was able to record this phenomenon for the series Frozen Planet:
- Be Creative and Playful With Polaroid vs Digital Photo (via the Blog of Francesco Mugnai)
I love Polaroid ,well I should say I love “polaroids” because we all know Polaroid tried to kill the instant photography a few years ago. Thanks to The Impossible Project it didn’t happen and that’s how we can still create photos that mix digital and instant photography as shown in this gallery.
- 50 Reasons not to Date a Photographer (via Not A Starving Artist)
2. On a romantic date, you’ll watch the sun go down and think “Wow this is gorgeous” and they’ll go “mirror lock, tripod, and stop down f/8 at 1/125.”
3. You’ll never be able to enjoy tv, movies, or magazines because they’ll point out all the visual flaws.
4. They like to sit in obscure coffee shop and voyeuristically watch people for great lengths of time.
16. That photo they randomly took of you yesterday? Good luck getting them to send it to you.
21. They’ll be fussy over the position of a common household object, like a coffee cup.
36. Bright, sunny days make them sad, but cloudy, overcast days are apparently great!
45. They are natural hoarders, collecting and keeping piles of old newspapers, packaging, magazines, and other things that “inspire” them.
47. They have hard drives of photos, but probably have printed 10 images.