The camping season is almost over. As a child I used to go camping with my family so many times that I got to the point where I was sick of it.
Many many years went by without ever thinking about camping again and then this year I was asked if I would be interested to go. And I went.
How could I have stopped all these years? It was amazing!
I decided to go because it wasn’t your typical camping site where you can practically high five your sleeping neighbor from your own tent. No, this was a rendez-vous with the great outdoors.
Then off we were to Killarney, one of Ontario’s Provincial Parks, for a backcountry experience involving portage, swimming, mosquito repellent, anti-bear safety solutions, frog talking, a starry sky and gorgeous scenery. And guess what? I got some camping photos to show you:
We had to find an unoccupied campsite which was only accessible by canoe.
We found the perfect spot to set up our tents.
And the Perfect spot to set up the hammock; just as it was meant to be.
Experimenting underwater.
When nature calls… Good thing we brought something to read. Thanks NOW magazine!