So it’s Friday. Is it quiet at work? Are your coworkers gone on a 2-hour coffee break? Or if you’re reading this on the weekend you might be recovering from those Friday/Saturday night drinks. Let your brain rest, I’ve put together a list of photography news and inspiration that caught my attention this week.

  • I’m not a fan but like it or not Polaroid has announced the long waited Lady Gaga’s GREY product line at CES 2011 putting an end to consumers’ hope for an instant film camera return. CNBC has an interview wth Polaroid’s creative director Lady Gaga here. More details on the 3 new Polaroid products here. Instant Photography entousiasts should thank the awesome folks behind The Impossible Project for keeping the nostalagia alive. I’ll be posting my own instant film photographs in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
  • The Photo Marketing Association (PMA) rebrands itself as CliQ and announced this year show will be help on September 6-11, 2011 in Las Vegas.
  • What’s happening in Detroit? Not much but here are 2 beautiful projects:
  • The end of 2010 was also officially the end of Kodachrome. Dwayne’s Photo in Parsons, Kansas was the last photo lab in the world to process Kodachrome rolls. The family shop annouces it would stop processing the film on Dec. 30, 2010 (The stop date has since been postponed from the end of 2010 to the end of this week). When Kodak annouced it would discontinue Kadachrome film production in 2009, the company gave the last roll to Steve McCurry who shot the famous Afghan girl image. He has posted a selection of the results on his blog.
  • FlakPhoto continues with its WINTER Pictures features for the rest of the month.
    Check it daily at

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